Bored(written a while ago)
Bored bored bored bored bored bored, bored
Hand me that carving knife
I want to cut my throat
Step away from the rail
I'm jumping off the boat
Lead in my pocket
Making sure I'll not float
The most interesting thing I'll do today
Is putrefy and bloat
Bored bored bored bored bored bored, bored
Just staring at the ceiling
Lying in my sack
No thoughts in my mind
And I don't care, Jack
Fingers idly twitching
Memories of the rack
Typing out those words
On my busted Apple Mac
Bored bored bored bored bored bored, bored
I'm a ghost in the machine
I'm not all there
Staring into space
Tearing out my hair
A piece of me is missing
It's not really fair
He's had the machine six days’ now
He ain't got a care
Bored bored bored bored bored bored, bored
Today is the day
I'm going downtown
Getting my computer back
I'll try not to frown
Let this be a lesson
When your machine goes down
They are our masters’ now
Bow before their electronic crown.